(510) 574-0496

Dr. Sambhav Jain - Fremont, CA

Meet your doctor

Education and Awards

  • Graduated from the University of Connecticut Dental School in 2000
  • Completed IV sedation training with the respected Medical College of Georgia
  • Master of the International Congress of Oral Implantology  Mastership is the highest achievement within this prestigious association, which is the largest and most esteemed dental implant organization
  • Certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support from the American Heart Association
  • Multiple courses completed in the area of emergency medicine
  • Emergency Airway Management training
  • Multiple courses in the interpretation of EKG readings, including basic and Advanced 12 lead EKG
  • Numerous courses, lectures, and educational videos from the most renowned professionals in the world

Dr. Sambhav (Sam) Jain

DMD, Implant Surgeon, MS Mechanical Engineer

Sambhav (Sam) Jain began his educational journey in mechanical engineering, earning a Master’s degree from the University of Connecticut in 1995. Despite excelling in his studies, he felt dissatisfied with the industry. He had long felt that his calling was medicine. He wanted to help people, to give health, to remove pain, and to improve lives. Considering a career as a physician, he was planning to meet with the college medical counselor when he had a serendipitous encounter with the dental counselor. From that day forth, his life and career were changed. Dr. Jain has been changing the lives of others ever since, practicing dentistry in California and Massachusetts.

Dr. Jain was honored with the Health Leadership Award from Franklin County for his work with the underprivileged in his role as the dental director for the Community Health Center of Franklin County, MA. He chose to focus on implant dentistry because it fulfills his need to help others live a healthy and pain-free life. Furthermore, his background in mechanical engineering gives him a better understanding of the various aspects of dental implantology and the natural oral structure.

With an extensive background in mechanical engineering and CAD/CAM technology, Dr. Jain has developed a state-of-the-art Dental CAD/CAM milling center in which dental implant prosthetics can be made on-site. The addition of this on-site milling center makes us the most advanced dental implant center in the Entire State of California.